Monday, April 19, 2010

Why Do You Need A Real Estate Agent?

A real estate agent is a person who helps people sell their real estate. He also tries to buy property on behalf of other people. A real estate agent or broker normally undergoes formal training and also has to pass an exam in order to become licensed.

Today with the amount of technology and information available people wonder if they really need to hire the services of a real estate agent. However, the fact is, when it comes to real estate there are so many laws that need to be adhered to, that it is far simpler to employ the services of a real estate agent or broker. Another plus point is that when you hire an agent, the property that you want to sell will be listed as well as advertised by the agents company.

Besides this, there are also a number of other reasons why hiring a real estate agent is advisable. One such reason is that agents help you meet and deal with only those people who are genuinely interested in buying or selling. It is the job of your agent to filter the list of prospective buyers and sellers and introduce you to the serious ones. Brokers also have a wealth of information regarding your neighborhood and can find the best sales and the best locations keeping in mind your requirements.

Another benefit that real estate agents bring to the table is their excellent ability to negotiate. A good real estate agent is highly skilled when it comes to negotiating a price. This is because agents are able to remain detached while conducting a deal. Unlike the buyer or seller they are not emotionally involved. This is a valuable skill when it comes to getting the best deal for yourself.

Today, a purchase agreement could be as long as 10 pages if not more, and thats without counting the various disclosures required. A real estate deal normally results in almost three inches of paperwork. Keep in mind that a single mistake or a tiny omission in your paperwork could result in you landing in court or shelling out a huge sum of money.

True, with the Internet we can find the answer to most of our questions. However, when it comes to real estate it would be a lot wiser to work with someone who is an expert in this field - a real estate agent, and save yourself from a lot of unnecessary stress.


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