Thursday, October 28, 2010

New RE exposure norms for urban co-op banks

Reserve Bank of India has revised the norms for urban cooperative banks for

giving loans to the housing and real estate (RE) segment. Working capital loans to

small contractors against hypothecation of construction material are exempted from

the existing norms that allow UCBs to use 15 per cent of the total deposits for giving

loans for housing and commercial real estate, RBI said. In a communication to chief

executive officers of UCBs, RBI has said it has fine-tuned the rule for aggregate limit for

housing finance. Now, urban banks can use up to 15 per cent of deposits to provide

housing, real estate and CRE loans. Earlier, the RBI norm permitted them to use up to

15 per cent of deposits for giving advances to housing loans and other block capital loans.

The 15 per centceiling was reckoned on total deposits at the end of March 31 of the

previous financial year.

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